
AutoShare, a freeware EIMS companion application.
A list server and auto-responder for the Macintosh.
This document is copyright © 1998-1999 Mikael Hansen.

Table of Contents

This document contains version-specific information.


AutoShare 4.1 release

The AutoShare 4.1 version, released on November 15 1999 (five years to the day since the project took off), is available from Version 4.1 maintains compatibility with Mac OS 9.0 and offers a number of new AppleScript utility commands, process extender and automated bounce enhancements plus minor improvements and bug fixes.

AutoShare 4.0 release

The AutoShare 4.0 version, released on June 7 1999 (four years to the day since the release of version 1.0), is available from Version 4.0 introduces the built-in CGI request handling of subscriber administration to be used with web server software such as NetPresenz, a number of new AppleScript utility commands, support for the Rebound software plus minor improvements and bug fixes.

AutoShare 3.1 release

The AutoShare 3.1 version, released on March 16 1999 (four years to the day since the original talk list took off), is available from Version 3.1 enhances the unknown accounts handling and the monthly help files, introduces BinHex encoding on-the-fly and the all-in-one Default process extender and offers minor improvements and bug fixes.

AutoShare 3.0.4 release

The AutoShare 3.0.4 version (partial archive), released on January 28 1999, is available from Version 3.0.4 offers join and leave list server commands (also supported in the RFC header), subject-specific mail-back auto-responses plus minor improvements and bug fixes.

AutoShare 3.0.3 release

The AutoShare 3.0.3 version (partial archive), released on December 31 1998, is available from Version 3.0.3 offers updated CGI sample scripts, the archive search AppleScript command, scriptable IP address lookups, analysis sections plus minor improvements and bug fixes.

AutoShare 3.0.2 release

The AutoShare 3.0.2 version (partial archive), released on November 15 1998 (four years to the day since the project took off), is available from Version 3.0.2 offers list request addresses plus minor improvements and bug fixes.

AutoShare 3.0.1 release

The AutoShare 3.0.1 version (the server applications and a few documents only), released on October 14 1998, is available from Version 3.0.1 was released, as 3.0 revealed a compiler related bug affecting the built-in database format.

AutoShare 3.0 release

The AutoShare 3.0 version, released on October 7 1998 (following a public beta, 40 months to the day since the release of version 1.0!), is available from Version 3.0 introduced two database formats for subscribers as its major feature and furthermore offers support for list-specific languages for subscribers, MIME digests as attachments, additional commands for remote administration by e-mail and support for more bounce formats plus minor improvements and bug fixes.

Several related downloads such as an AutoShare Admin version with a built-in FaceSpan extension are available at

The AutoShare 3.0 version is also available from your local Info-Mac mirror site in the comm/inet/mail directory. You may furthermore fetch it using e-mail by writing to

AutoShare 2.4 release

The AutoShare 2.4 version, released on July 12 1998 (following a public beta), is available from Version 2.4 introduced several additional process extender types, a vacation process extender sample, bounce module enhancements plus minor improvements and bug fixes.

AutoShare 2.3 release

The AutoShare 2.3 version, released on May 1 1998 (following a public beta), is available from Version 2.3 introduced the unknown accounts and request addresses features, bounce module enhancements plus minor improvements and bug fixes.

AutoShare 2.2 release

The AutoShare 2.2 version, released on April 1 1998 (following a public beta), is available from Version 2.2 introduced EIMS 2.1 compatibility and enhancements in the areas of the AppleScript dictionary, process extenders, the built-in bounce module plus minor improvements and bug fixes.

AutoShare 2.1 release

The AutoShare 2.1 version, released on January 20 1998 (following a public beta), is available from Version 2.1 introduced built-in Cron support and enhancements in the areas of the built-in bounce module, process extenders, moderators of moderated and announcement lists, user interface refinements for both the server and the Admin, up-to-date full scriptability plus many minor improvements and bug fixes.

Jan Koudelka's AutoShare Remote Admin is a CGI that gives you full control over the AutoShare 2.1 settings. Compatibility with the AutoShare 2.2 is planned after final release of the AutoShare 2.2.

AutoShare 2.0 release

The AutoShare 2.0 version, released on December 7 1997 (30 months to the day since the release of version 1.0!), is available from Version 2.0 introduced a completely revamped AutoShare 2.0 Documentation showing just how easy it is to get going with AutoShare, a major multi-preferences feature coming in handy with mail server multi-domains, a filter process extender as well as user interface refinements for both the server and the Admin.

AutoShare 1.4.2 release

The AutoShare 1.4.2 version (the applications and a few documents only), released on September 30 1997, is available from Version 1.4.2 introduced several new auto-response tokens and Using AutoShare with SIMS.

AutoShare 1.4.1 release

The AutoShare 1.4.1 version (server applications and a few documents only), released on September 18 1997, is available from Version 1.4.1 introduced disabling and enabling of processing.

AutoShare 1.4 release

The AutoShare 1.4 version, released on September 9 1997 (with a public beta taking off on July 8 1997), is available from Version 1.4 introduced substantial speed and memory refinements, launching of external applications, keep applications up, process extenders, tip of the day lists, rotating banners, subscriber address protection and simultaneous text and HTML archives.

AutoShare 1.3 release

The AutoShare 1.3 version, released on May 6 1997, is available from Version 1.3 introduced subscriber and administrator web forms, Mac-to-HTML and MIME-to-HTML character conversions, choice of RFC From vs envelope sender for subscriber lists, scripted e-mail using the Send Mail AppleScript command, monthly help files on a per-list basis, subscriber aliases, specific key strings for poll accounts and considerably improved speed for large enclosures.

AutoShare 1.2 release

The AutoShare 1.2 version, released on March 14 1997, is available from Version 1.2 introduced automated web archives, remote administration by e-mail, advanced mail-back confirmations, automated bounce and unsubscribe module, fast searching and sorting of lists, MIME configuration of outgoing mail messages, subject prefixes in list contributions and Admin balloon help.

AutoShare 1.1 release

The AutoShare 1.1 version, released on November 15 1996 (two years to the day since the project took off), is available from Version 1.1 introduced list-specific features, full scriptability, the AutoShare Admin and the PowerPC native version.

You can also get it at Internet Servers for Mac OS and

AutoShare 1.0.1 release

The AutoShare 1.0.1 version (software and release notes only), released on June 14 1995, includes a few fixes to the 1.0 software. It's available from

AutoShare 1.0 release

AutoShare 1.0, a freeware EIMS (AIMS, MailShare) companion application including list server and auto-responder services, was released on June 7 1995. This public AutoShare 1.0 final version is available from The 1.0 release includes the AutoShare 1.0 Documentation as well as Jason Snell's AutoShare QuickStart.

Changes to look out for

The following, often AppleScript enhancements, may be of interest to you when upgrading.

Version 4.1 introduces the Send Logs, Send Digests, Send Month and Roll Over AppleScript commands in the Handy Suite as well as the HTMLize File AppleScript commands in the Utility Suite. The Server Foreground property has been added to the Stat Options class, and additional flexibility has been implemented in the Subscribe AppleScript command.

Process extender note. As an AppleScript returns the last evaluated object when nothing explicit is returned, it is in such a case recommended to return an empty AppleScript list object, being {}. This applies to the Subscribe, Filter and Token types.

Version 4.0 introduces the SetRFC and GetRFC AppleScript commands for data manipulation of the RFC header in message files, the Keys Down and Type Keys keyboard-related AppleScript commands plus the Sort List and Search List AppleScript utility commands.

Version 3.1 introduces the BinHex File AppleScript command including an optional Force Encoding parameter. The Validate Database and Pack Database properties have been added to the Verify File AppleScript command. The Save Filed Mail, Save Incoming Mail and Save Filters properties have been added to the Folder Options AppleScript class.

Version 3.0.3 introduces the Search and IP Info AppleScript commands as well as the Sections parameter in the Analysis command.

Version 3.0 introduces the Verify File, SetSubscriberDB and GetSubscriberDB commands. It also adds the Database and Language properties to the List Options class, the Bounce Grace Period property to the Misc Options class and the standardSub property to the GetSubscribers command.

Version 2.4 adds the Bypass Blank property to the Write Log AppleScript command and the Notice property to the Filters Options class. The Clear property in the Filters Options class has been refined. The SetRes and GetRes commands have been restructured and expanded.

Version 2.3 adds the Unknown Addresses property to the Misc Options.

Version 2.2 updates the AppleScript dictionary by applying enumerations (constant classes). 'SetMisc Options {Log: "Brief"}' as an example is now to be replaced by 'SetMisc Options {Log: Brief Log}'. The advantage is that a compiled script will reveal an invalid enumerated property value (perhaps due to a typo) as an immediate syntax error (when compiled or when run), whereas a string value is a matter of contents rather than syntax and as such cannot be detected by the AppleScript language per se.

A total of 15 enumerations including 51 enumerators and 60 enumerator instances have been changed in the server application. Affected are 4 classes (List Options, Misc Options, Times Options and Filter Options) and 7 commands. The AppleScript dictionary, which is merely the tip of the iceberg as the code to support it took the most time, illustrates how the property values are placed along with the property names rather than in the comments.

The sets of enumerated values in the AppleScript dictionary correspond to the sets of radio buttons in the Admin, as they both reflect the same multiple choice situations.

The comments for boolean and enumerated values have been fully updated in the dictionary to reflect defaults whereever not indicated previously. The same goes for optional and read-only indicators.

Additionally and extending the above totals, the value for the Lists parameter in the GetFilters command is now enumerated as well.

The Listserv property in the Folder Options class has been renamed to List Server. The Listserver Name property in the Misc Options class has been renamed to List Server Name. The Listserver Label property in the Misc Options class has been renamed to List Server Label. The XSeeAlso property in the List Options class has been renamed to List Help.

The RunScript AppleScript command has furthermore been added, which is used to call the Script process extender via the AutoShare server.

Version 2.1 updates the AppleScript dictionary by adding the Bypass Add to the Subscribe command. The Misc Stuff and List Stuff properties (aimed at my fence-sitting) in the Misc Options and List Options respectively may be used with various letters, whose functionality is described elsewhere in this document.

When upgrading to version 2.0, notice that the AutoShare Temp folder has been moved into the AutoShare folder inside Preferences folder; you may go ahead and delete the Temp folder at its former location in the Preferences folder.

Version 2.0 also updates the AppleScript dictionary by adding the Suppress Command, Listserver Label and Locking properties to the Misc Options. A new AppleScript property in the Stat Options is LockingFiles. New optional AppleScript parameters in the Send Mail command are File Quote and File Delete. New AppleScript commands used with multiple preferences sets are SetPreference, GetPreference and GetPreferences. Furthermore, the SetKeepUp, GetKeepUp and GetCreatorApp commands make the Keep applications up feature completely scriptable.

If you are using EIMS 2.0, please notice that the Mail Folder has been moved inside the EIMS 2.0 application folder, which means that you must reconfigure your Incoming Mail folder in AutoShare.

When upgrading to version 1.4, be aware that new file extensions (.text and .txt) have been assigned to digests and text archives.

Version 1.4 also updates the AppleScript dictionary in a number of ways. The Quote property in List Options has been changed from a boolean value to a number (indicating a percentage). New List Options properties are RFC Headers, List Stuff, Address Protection, Tip Of The Day, Approval Both and Hard Unsubscribe. All boolean types in List Options have changed to non-boolean types to accommodate the default/override values. New Misc Options properties are Line Format, Keep Up, Processing, Status Window Position, Hide Window (formerly a command!) and Misc Stuff.

Improvements and bug fixes

The following lists the minor improvements and bug fixes of the various AutoShare versions since the original version 1.0.

Version 4.1

Version 4.0

Version 3.1

Version 3.0.4

Version 3.0.3

Version 3.0.2

Version 3.0.1

Version 3.0

Version 2.4

Version 2.3

Version 2.2

Version 2.1

Version 2.0

Version 1.4.2

Version 1.4.1

Version 1.4

Version 1.3

Version 1.2

Version 1.1

Version 1.0.1

Last updated on November 14 1999 by Mikael Hansen